A huge thank you to everyone who has made the show happen and to our sponsors,
The Silverthorne Pavilion & staff,
Teddy, Libia, June and Kelly!!
BellyWeen 2020
A belly dance showcase and variety show benefiting Summit Advocates for Victims of Assault!
Saturday, November 21st, 2020 EveryBelly Dancers will have the 9th annual, family-friendly, belly dance showcase and variety show, "BellyWeen." This year's show is donation based!
The 2020 show features belly dancers from all over: Breckenridge, Silverthorne, Keystone, Dillon, Golden, Evergreen, and Denver. You can expect exciting, pre-recorded Halloween-themed performances and traditional Raqs Sharqi from beginners to professionals. We will also have a silent auction with all kinds of goodies! There will be live hosting from Summit Advocates and even a chance to learn how to shimmy live with a member of EveryBelly Dancers.
The show is Saturday, November 21st at 6:30 PM.
Please, RSVP for the event here. By RSVPing to the show, you will receive email updates about the show and when our silent auction goes live!
The show will be streamed via Paybee, a beautiful online platform perfect for organizations like Summit Advocates. You do not need an account with Paybee, simply add your name and email.
All proceed from donations and the silent auction benefit a local non-profit, Advocates for Victims of Assault which provides much needed assistance to people in their biggest time of need. Summit Advocates is Summit County's only 24/7 crisis support for survivors of domestic and sexual assault. They are experiencing a 70% increase in demand this year, so every donation is warmly appreciated. Donations are live and can be made through the RSVP link. Every $100 raised keeps a person or family in need fed and sheltered for a night. We thank you so much in advance for your support.
We cannot wait to dance with you!